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Photograph without People

Street photographs are about people and life. But it doesn’t mean you need a random passerby within to have it be street photographs. This common misconception that many beginners follows when they start practicing street photography, we think having a candid people in the frame is what makes image a street photographs.

One of my objectives for my photography is to capture interesting images that showing a deep understanding that mean something to me. There is no rule for how to do this without people but the purpose is to at least once in a while photograph differently beyond typical direction that everyone else is photographing.

My mental attitude is, people should be included when you think it’s needed -but careful not to mess up the interesting scene and ruin the moment by including the crowd, otherwise, just capture the scene as it is. For inspiration, check out Lee Friedlander works, who is very knowledgeable and skillful about street photographs free from people.

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